So I called Forward Air to ask a few questions and I found out I need to have my vespa fully enclosed. What does that mean? I found out that if I can see the scooter then it is not fully enclosed. I spent most of last Saturday making a crate that was not correct. I then spent last night buying wood at home depot and then with my dad we "enclosed" our crate.
This morning I dropped off the scooter to Forward Air and their customer service is less than desirable. I was told over the phone that they did not have any containers that I could use to ship my scooter. I then went thru this pain of making my own crate. Lesson learned is you can rent these crates but they need a 2 week notice. Then I could of easily brought my scooter to them and simply loaded it into the crate and strapped it down and been done. It was a pain to ship but I got a fair price for my scooter and I would hope in the future someone will do this for me when I buy my dream scooter on the east coast.